Well, Hes...Spiritual without the "WOO WOO"
Dice has a very pragmatic and logical style of mentoring that involves no religion, tarot cards, crystal, psychic readings.
Definitely NO "Woo Woo" mystical shit.
He tries to stick with practical methods so that you'll have real tools that you can apply fast.
Working with Dice you wont be wasting time looking too deeply into the past. He believes bringing too much awareness to the past continues to perpetuate traumas unnecessarily and reinforces victim thinking.
This has made him very goal and future orientated, and he works hard to transfer this forward orientated focus to his clients.
"Time would be better spent planning a worthwhile future as the future is the only thing you can change."
Fluff is not in Dice's nature. He works hard to cut through the unnecessary and worthless thought processes, in an effort to make you more decisive and enjoy a more focused life.
He has an attitude that is serious about your success and is always optimistic that a solution does indeed exist, but hard work is required to find it.
Dice uses the most raw, unfiltered and hard core methods.
All designed to give you a real shake up. He will always provide a big kick in the ass where necessary, and will ruthlessly cut through your BS. Painfully exposing the real cause of the problem so that it can be fixed.
He believes that
a lil bit of pain now is going to save you tonnes pain in the future. You'll think he's pressing on you sometimes, but you'll learn to appreciate the raw feedback and sense that he really cares.
He considers himself to be a "Crisis leader" and believes it is part of his nature.
One of the biggest reasons he got into mentoring is because he actualized his gift of "cutting through" people's surface level problems. Men are naturally drawn to him when "the shit hits the fan" because they know that he is someone they can rely on to provide them with fast and direct answers. And if he doesn't know, he'll admit he doesn't know and will be eager to find out a solution.
Dice is more of a mentor than a coach.
He loves to give you the answers and concepts to change the way you think.
He is more of a negative motivator than a positive one. His philosophy is that if he can help you become more aware of the consequences of inaction and indecision that you will be forced to evolve in to an assertive decision maker that acts fast.
"you're life will be a pile of turds, unless you make it otherwise"
Dice is very much a realist with and optimistic point of view. - He wants to help you create PROOF not PROMISES so you can get serious about your life.
But lets be honest here, he isn't very funny or a good storyteller even though he tries to be.DICE is an Atheist that is:
Cheery, Hyper-focused, Stoic, Direct, Logical, Calculated, Analytical, Pragmatic, A Sigma Male, Long term orientated, Obsessive, Compassionate, and Supportive.
If Dice sounds like someone that could help you achieve clarity and direction, then
to get started.